Better Yourself Books
After Parents, Teachers Shape Children By C P Varkey Sj Rs.100 In StockShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.30This book offers teachers many tips on the attitude they should have towards teaching and on the skills they can use in teaching. This attitude and…
If He and She Can. . . By C P Varkey Sj Rs.110 In StockShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.32This book is a collection of anecdotes gathered from various sources recounting unusual deeds of selflessness and / or courage by adults and youngsters. These examples…
Handle with Care By C P Varkey Sj Rs.170 In StockShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.37The author, with his long years of experience in handling the theme, takes the reader skillfully through complicated psychological issues and problems with appropriate anecdotes interlaced…
100 Stories By C Schmid Rs.50 In StockThese stories impart valuable moral lessons to the growing child. Ideal for children and useful for parents and teachers. Illustrated.…
Success in 30 Days By A P Pereira Rs.70 In StockShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.27An immensely helpful book to improve your personality, increase your efficiency, and to begin to live and enjoy life with zest and enthusiasm.…
Success in Examination By A P Pereira Rs.50 In StockShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.25
Are You a Winner or a Loser? By C P Varkey Sj Rs.90Out Of StockOut Of Stock This book is an attempt to help the young and those young at heart to take a second look at themselves.…
This Opened My Eyes By Fr C P Varkey Rs.100Out Of StockOut Of Stock Here is a collection of real life experiences which opened the eyes of those who went through them. It is hoped that some of these anecdotes…